Download NetShade for Mac 8.3.1 - Truy cập máy tính từ xa

NetShade For Mac - 这个6.3.1的NetShade For Mac我发现还是有些历史遗留的小毛病,也不知道下次更新会不会改过来。 置顶 华军网友 16-06-28 21:25:23 NetShade For Mac虽然是共享软件的,但还是有些问题,有待改进呀~ Another bundle - Mainly Macintosh - Accordance Forums Dec 11, 2015 Download NetShade for Mac NetShade provides access to a long list of public proxy servers, as well as its own private server which is available to registered users of the software. The NetShade Proxy server is the most secure option, providing both HTTP and HTTPS and high uptime and performance. Requirements: OS X 10.10+

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